Tuesday, November 10, 2015

Ch. 8 Intimacy in Marriage & Family Life

The most meaningful statement I pulled from this class was, "Never do anything demeaning, unkind, or disrespectful to your spouse." This thought process applies to all aspects of marriage and situations with your loved one. The topic of intimacy in marriage is a particularly sensitive topic. Possible problems that come might come from this part of marriage could originate from hurt feelings, misunderstandings, thinking spouse is selfish, feelings of use or abuse, and lack of expression of feeling. The most important part of physical intimacy is also the most important part of marriage- adjusting and communicating. There are some interesting facts about hormones. Let's start by listing them: serotonin, dopamine, and oxytocin.

Serotonin- wellness, warmth

Dopamine- excitement, thrill

Oxytocin- bonding

Sex is a part of life and it is how we bring children into this world.  it is a gift ordained of God. Married couples need to ensure its sacredness for the strength of the relationship they have not only with each other, but with God.

It is important that couples communicate even in cases of kissing. A kiss, in order to remain a secure act, should not always lead to sex.

Also, when discussing the recognition of intimacy- not necessarily sexual, but more emotional- when "you are dating wisely and carefully, you are developing intimacy"(Lesson 5, John E). It is important to discuss with kids while they are young about having clear boundaries. You can view "A Parent's Guide" on lds.org to help you learn how to develop a plan for educating you children.

When married couples are struggling, it is important they go to counseling together and not separate. Couples who have individual counsel are more likely to get divorced.
A quote I appreciated from class was, "You and your spouse will only meet some of your needs some of the time, but God will always meet all of your needs."
And with that, I leave you. Thank you!

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